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The news delighted visitors, whether regular or not, from Disneyland Paris. On Tuesday, February 27, Bob Iger himself, CEO of the Walt Disney Company, announced from Paris a significant development plan for the Marne-la-Vallée amusement park. Two billion euros will be put on the table to build, from 2021, three new areas, devoted respectively to the superheroes of Marvel, the animated film The Snow Queen, and the saga Star Wars. A lake will be even dug to connect its three universes them. The group has never invested so much in the park since it opened in 1992. While Disneyland Paris has always been, financially, a thorn in the foot of the Californian giant, what could have motivated such a colossal expenditure?
Since it opened in 1992, the Marne-la-Vallée park has been steadily accumulating deficits. In 25 years, Euro Disney, a partnership limited by shares (SCA) operating the Euro Disneyland Park, has paid over $ 1.2 billion to the parent company Disney for the right to use his characters. After a bumpy start, attendance quickly proved insufficient and, despite a slow recovery in attendance over the years, the debt has widened, compounded by the flight of tourists frightened by the wave of attacks in 2015 and 2016. That year, the hole in Euro Disney's coffers will reach up to one billion euros and will precipitate the decision by the Walt Disney Company to raise, in 2017, from 86% to 97% the amount of its stake in the capital of the SCA. Now hands free on its French fleet, Disney intends to clean the debt of Euro Disney, removed from the stock market in the wake.
The new investment of two billion euros illustrates an expected return to shape in the Parc Francilien. Especially since the tourists returned to France in 2017 (89 million over the whole year), further consolidating the place of the Hexagon as the world's leading tourist destination after a drop in 2015 and 2016. These results make the Disneyland business, which alone accounts for more than 6% of the country's tourism revenue. With the construction of these three new sectors, visitors could be tempted to stay longer on French soil.
The choice of topics that will be honored in these new areas is also not trivial. "With Marvel and Star Wars, the company hopes to attract a different clientele, which would be composed of thirties and young teenagers. The Snow Queen has also been a great success, and has emerged as a universe that appeals to families, "says Édith Zemirou. Thanks to Marvel and Star Wars, Disneyland wants above all to attract the generation Y, this influential 18-35 year old largely responsible for the dizzying success of Black Panther , the latest film released from Marvel factories. Its revenue to date has accumulated more than $ 763 million in worldwide revenue in just three weeks of theater exposure.
The strength of Disney comes from his characters, the first argument to attract visitors to his amusement parks. Not content to have imagined a myriad of cult heroes since its creation in 1923, the firm has bought the catalog of Pixar (Toy Story, The World of Nemo) in 2006, Marvel (Avengers) in 2009, and Lucasfilm (Star Wars ) in 2012. And the big shots do not stop there, with the recent purchase of much of the 21st Century Fox, which includes famous licenses like The Simpsons or the X-Men. For Frédéric Fréry, a strategy professor at ESCP Europe, "all these characters are at the heart of the group's strategy". "In a way, you can look at the movies - even if they're very profitable - as great trailers designed to get viewers to visit the parks, watch the TV channels, and buy the derivative products."
By expanding Disneyland Paris, the Burbank company is also strengthening, in a way, in the fight against Netflix. With 117 million subscribers worldwide, the streaming platform is a competitor more and more annoying for large groups and their conventional pay channels. Last August, Disney revealed a 23% drop in profits from its cable channels, such as the sports channel ESPN. Even having announced this summer the arrival in 2019 of its own streaming platform, the firm of Bob Iger, Disney, is seriously attacked on its television activities.The development of its amusement parks, six in the world (in the United States, Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong and of course France) could be a way to limit the breakage: Mickey decidedly more than one trick in his bag.
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